Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Nikita's father Will Married Mirzani Galau Widow 3 children

Jakarta -gulana Central approaches feeling Gundah artist Nikita Mirzani. Lately Nikita confessed his father ruffled with a plan that would marry the widow Mawardi's three children.

Nikita pleaded with his father's newspaper, the shock would get married again. Not a matter of the status of candidate for a wife and widow of three, but the father and Nikita assess prospective wife deliberately covered the planned marriage was wrecked.

"My father does want to marry again but I see she was from the beginning no good faith, everything is all a lie," he explained to detikHOT, Tuesday (24/8/2012).

"I wrote just found out not long ago, during the time they secretly and fiance aja udah I just found out. Like I dont considered child wrote, "he added snarled.

Nikita also claimed her relationship with her father is indeed not too harmonious since there is no mother. Now it's getting away from any relationship with any wedding plans.


Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Conscription, Rain present at the premiere of ' R2B: Return to Base '

Jakarta -not yet a year old singer was undergoing conscription multitalented Rain. However, when his latest film premiere ' R2B: Return to Base ', the Rain appeared to be present. Lho?

The Film was already finished filming since Rain has not entered the military. She was already promised to watch the movie when it is time to spare.

Rain looks at CGV Theater, Seoul, on Wednesday (22/8/2012) then in the audience. He was only wearing a shirt grey black caps combined.

When the show started, he made to greet the audience and say thanks. The event was also attended by other actors like Shin Se Kyung.

' R2B: Return to Base ' does not only broadcast in Korea. That movie also debuted in North American cinemas starting today.


Indra Brugman & Betrand Antolin Menikah di Belanda?

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Jakarta - Tabloid Femme kembali memuat kabar menghebohkan. Dalam cover tabloid itu, Indra Brugman dan Bertrand Antolin disebut-sebut sudah menikah di Belanda.

Tabloid tersebut menulis betapa susahnya untuk bertemu dengan kedua bintang sinetron itu. Beberapa kali menyambangi kediaman Indra, pria kelahiran Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat itu tak pernah bisa ditemui.

Bahkan, mereka mengaku bertemu dengan ibunda Indra untuk menanyakan kabar pernikahan sejenis itu. Namun, sang ibu membantah kabar tersebut.

"Itu berita nggak benar, lagi pula sudah berita lama. Pokoknya untuk masalah itu nggak benar," ungkapnya.

Namun, ia tak membantah jika Bertrand memang kerap mengunjungi Indra. Menurutnya, Betrand sudah sangat dekat dengan keluarganya.


Apakah Angel Lelga Benar-benar Hamil?

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Jakarta - Beberapa waktu lalu sosok Angel Lelga ramai dikabarkan tengah berbadan dua. Bahkan kabar terakhir Angel hanya tinggal menunggu waktu untuk melahirkan.

Namun setelah santer dikabar hamil, sahabat Angel, Tata Liem malah membantah kabar tersebut. Tata menjelaskan kalau kabar itu hanyalah isapan jempol belaka.

"Nggak benar itu, dia (Angel) ketawa aja dengarnya," tuturnya kepada detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Tata menambahkan kalau Angel sudah terbiasa diterpa kabar miring. Hingga saat kabar kehamilannya beredar, ia pun santai mendengar kabar tersebut.

"Nggak benar kabar tersebut, dia (Angel) sudah biasa di-bonyokin media. Sudah biasa dia," paparnya.


Dinilai Tak Bisa Adil, Jhody Diceraikan Istri Kedua

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Jakarta - Satu lagi artis yang gagal bisa menjalani poligami. Jika sebelumnya Kiwil, kini presenter Jhody juga harus merelakan rumah tangga poligaminya.

Dianggap tak adil, Jhody pun akhirnya diceraikan oleh istri keduanya. Ia pun seperti sudah ikhlas dianggap tak adil hingga diceraikan oleh istri keduanya.

"Bukan gue yang mengakhiri, tapi mereka semua yang mengakhiri. Tapi masih jaga hubungan baik sama anak juga," ungkapnya saat ditemui di kawasan Meruya, Jumat (24/8/2012).

"Pasti gue harus merasa bahwa gue tidak cukup adil. Kerjaan gue di Jakarta semua. Kalau dibilang nggak adil, ya benar," tambahnya.

Meski sudah bercerai, Jhody mengaku masih menjaga hubungan baik dengan mantan istrinya itu. Ia pun tak mau melupakan kewajibannya untuk mengurus anak-anaknya dari pernikahan keduanya itu.

"Gue tetep keep in touch. Gue support kebutuhan anak, kayak kemarin baju lebaran, keperluan sekolah itu istri pertama yang pilih," jelasnya.

Angel Lelga saat ini dikabarkan tengah berbadan dua. Membantah kabar tersebut, Angel saat ini malah tengah sibuk dengan bisnis properti.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Ditanya Soal Foto Merokok, Syahrini Menghindar

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Jakarta - Penyanyi Syahrini kembali menjadi pusat perhatian setelah foto dirinya asyik merokok bersama Luna Maya beredar di internet. Namun, ketika ditanya soal foto tersebut, Syahrini pun menghindar.

Saat menghadiri acara ulang tahun C&R yang digelar di Meruya, Jakarta Barat, pada Jumat (24/8/2012), pelantun lagu 'Sesuatu' itu sempat melakoni wawancara dengan beberapa wartawan.

Dalam wawancara itu, Syahrini dengan sangat ramah menjawab semua pertanyaan yang diajukan, mulai dari pertanyaan soal aktivitasnya saat lebaran hingga penampilannya.

Namun, saat ditanya terkait foto dirinya tengah merokok itu, Syahrini enggan menjawabnya. Ia pun memilih untuk menyudahi wawancara.

"Sudah ya, permisi," ujarnya seraya meninggalkan wartawan.


If Bete, Momo ' Geisha ' is often escapes to Bali

Jakarta -band vocalist Geisha, aka Momo Narova Morita Sinaga pleaded with the nutty aka travelling travelling. Even if it was bad tamper (Bete), Momo willingly return to Bali.

"Sometimes if I really like the PP again bete (round-trip) to Bali. For example there is a bikin sebel, "he said as found in Perdatam area, South Jakarta.

"Well I ngabur. Like at the airport ' this ditanyain people doing to the airport just PP ', and I'm happy like that, "he added, laughing.

Its activities were also recognized Momo very often he did. Not just the island of Gods, if indeed there is such a long time off the feast of Eid al-Fitr holiday, the chanter ' love and hate ' it will make use of them to travel abroad.

But Momo confess still confused to determine your holiday this time around. Even so, Japan, Thailand or Singapore be your holiday choice this time around.

"Between how to Japan, but if I want to deselect the hell would the deket deket aja, for example-hunting to Bangkok or Singapore," hope that not long ago Momo is also on holiday to Australia.


Idul Fitri Intan Nuraini Full Color

Jakarta – there are different with celebrations of Idul Fitri Intan Nuraini this year. Diamond is now no longer own celebrate Lebaran because there the husband Nmarques88, Donny's son at his side.

The presence of a husband making Idul Fitri Intan more colorful. He now had a new tradition, sungkeman to the in-laws.

"This time it was certainly more colorful because it must also divide time with my husband's family," he said to detikHOT, some time ago.

"So the plan on the day sungkeman Lebaran salat Id and used to be home to mama 10 hours Later than the 80s. 10 a.m. to visit the in-laws in new deh and oma from the husband," he explained.

But, then added, every Diamond Lebaran actually just the same. The point is hospitality with relatives.

"Same aja sih Lebaran fact together years ago. Hospitality to brethren, "he explained.


Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Dikabarkan Menikah dengan Bertrand, Indra Brugman Merasa Dijatuhkan

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Jakarta - Indra Brugman dikabarkan menikah sejenis dengan Bertrand Antolin. Secara tegas hal tersebut dibantah Indra.

Melalui manajernya, Tata Liem menilai kabar tersebut hanya bohong belaka. Bahkan, ia menuduh ada orang yang ingin menjatuhkan Indra.

"Nggak benar kok, dia aktor Indonesia yang lagi popular, jadi ingin jatuhin," ungkapnya kepada detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Kabar mengenai pernikahan sejenis itu dilansir tabloid Femme. Dalam tulisannya, mereka menulis kabar bahwa keduanya menikah di Belanda.

Bukan hal baru memang mengenai hubungan terlarang keduanya. Hal itu pun diakui ibunda Indra, Mimi.

"Itu berita nggak benar, lagi pula sudah berita lama. Pokoknya untuk masalah itu nggak benar," ungkapnya.


Pacar Sudah Bercerai, Nikita Mirzani Siap Nikah

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Jakarta - Artis Nikita Mirzani belum lama ini mengaku tengah berpacaran dengan pria beristri. Namun Nikita mengaku kini sang pacar sudah bercerai dari istrinya.

"Sekarang dia udah resmi cerai kok. Udah nggak beristri, pokoknya sekarang dia udah singel," ungkap artis kelahiran 17 Maret 1986 itu kepada detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Perempuan yang kerap bikin heboh karena foto-foto syurnya itu mengaku juga serius menjalani hubungannya kali ini. Bahkan ia berkeinginan untuk menikah di Mekkah dengan sang pacar.

"Pengen nikah di Mekkah, aku sih serius," harapnya.

Sebelumnya Nikita juga membuat pengakuan kontroversial soal kehidupan asmaranya. Ia mengaku memiliki hubungan dengan komedian Indra Birowo yang sudah memiliki istri dan anak.


Nikita Mirzani: Dia Mau Ambil Bokap dari Hidup Gue

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Jakarta - Nikita Mirzani tak rela ayahnya, Mawardi akan menikah lagi dengan janda beranak tiga. Selain merasa pernikahan itu dirasa ditutupi-tutupi darinya, Nikita juga menilai perempuan itu berniat merebut sang ayah darinya.

"Dari pertama kali ketemu udah nggak terlalu baik. Dia mau ambil bokap gue dari hidup gue," kata Nikita saat berbincang dengan detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Meski mengaku hubungan dengan sang ayah sudah tak terlalu harmonis, bintang film 'Mama Minta Pulsa' itu tak ingin sang ayah menikah dengan perempuan tersebut. Ditambah menurut Nikita perempuan tersebut membawa pengaruh kurang baik bagi ayahnya.

"Jadi makin nggak harmonis aja sekarang. Bokap kayak nggak peduli aja sama omongan anak-anaknya," jelasnya.

Rencananya, ayah Nikita akan menikah pada 16 September mendatang. Nikita pun mengaku tak akan merestui pernikahan ayahnya itu.


Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

'Gangnam Style' Psy Siap Dirilis di Amerika?

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Jakarta - Kabar Psy menemui manajer Justin Bieber Scooter Braun berakhir dengan berita gembira. Lagu fenomenal 'Gangnam Style' kabarnya siap dirilis di Amerika. Wow!

Menurut seorang sumber dekat, Psy sudah mendiskusikan dengan Scooter untuk merilis 'Gangnam Style' secara resmi di Amerika. Saat ini keduanya sedang membicarakan masalah kontrak.

Meski demikian, pihak YG Entertainment termasuk CEO Yang Hyun Suk masih menutup rapat soal perilisan di Amerika. Yang jelas, Hyun Suk mengakui Scooter memang menyukai gaya Psy.

"YG selalu mencoba hal baru. Braun juga sangat tertarik dengan musik dan gaya baru," ujar Hyun Suk dilansir Soompi,

"Saat Psy kembali ke Korea, kami akan mendiskusikannya dengan lebih detail. Kami akan mengumumkan rencana dengan Justin Bieber secepatnya. Saat ini semuanya berjalan lancar," sambung Hyun Suk.


Hii ...Mother Of Jenny Cortez Possessed When New Home Family

Jakarta -horrible overwrite artist Sexy Jenny Cortez. The Mother, Asih suddenly possessed Ethereal moment occupies his new home. Hii ...!

Genesis dates back to Jenny and her mother a new house in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Friday (17/8/2012). Instead of feeling comfortable in new residential, mothers and even possessed Ethereal Asih.

According to Jenny, the mother is behaving strange with laughing and crying. The movie stars ' Confessions of a Prostitute ' was initially had a chance in doubt with the behavior of the mother. But he believes his mother soon indeed was possessed.

"Spooky I, it turns out the same way of the devil. I think mama acting, because mama laughing as ngobrol aja blubbering I invite, fear, "he said to detikHOT recently.

Artist ever in conflict with Nikita Mirzani was claimed to be painted yellow was previously dominant is a former swamp before she had purchased. But Jenny was originally not thought that very strange.

"It was the swamp so keep so I used car garage, continue to I wake up the House. Whereas before ditempatin dont look serem-seremnya, "urainya.

Lucky the possession's mother did not last long. Although he had panicked, Jenny confesses to stay in his residence.


Brad Pitt & Denzel Washington Beradu Akting di 'Candy Store'?

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Jakarta - Stephen Gaghan seperti membidik aktor-aktor papan atas Hollywood untuk menjadi bintang utama dalam film terbarunya 'Candy Store'. Kabarnya, Brad Pitt dan Denzel Washington merupakan kandidat kuat.

Menurut The Hollywood Reporter, Jumat (24/8/2012), Pitt dan Washington sudah melakukan pembicaraan dengan Lionsgate Films. Dengan kedua aktor tersebut, tentunya 'Candy Store' akan menjadi film thriller yang akan sangat dinantikan.

Tetapi hingga berita ini diturunkan, kedua aktor tersebut belum menandatangani kontrak secara resmi. Jika keduanya benar-benar bergabung, maka ini akan menjadi film Gaghan yang paling high profile setelah 'Syriana' pada 2005 lalu.

Selain kedua nama tersebut, Jamie Foxx juga dikabarkan tertarik untuk terlibat.

Film drama thriller 'Candy Store' mengikuti operasi terlatih seorang petugas yang dimulai di Brooklyn, New York sebagai polisi patroli. Dia kemudian menemukan bahwa organisasi global tempatnya berdedikasi, juga beroperasi di halaman belakangnya.


Hubungan Cheryl Cole & Pacar Barunya Tak Direstui Ibunda

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Jakarta - Penyanyi Cheryl Cole dan penari bernama Tre Holloway sepertinya akan menemui masalah. Kabarnya, ibu Cheryl, Joan Callaghan tak menyetujui hubungan mereka. Kenapa?

Seperti dilansir The Sun, Jumat (24/8/2012), Joan sempat bertemu Tre dalam sebuah pesta belum lama ini. Tapi sepertinya Joan kurang cocok dengan calon menantunya itu.

Joan juga sempat kecewa setelah Cheryl tak hadir di acara keluarga karena saat itu ia lebih memilih untuk pergi bersama pacar barunya itu.

"Sampai saat ini, Joan belum yakin dengan Tre. Dia (Tre) terlihat baik kepada Cheryl tapi Joan takut dia tak serius dengan anaknya," ujar salah satu teman Joan.

Mantan istri pesepakbola Ashley Cole itu mulai berpacaran dengan Tre pada Maret lalu. Mereka bertemu pertama kali di acara 'X Factor'.


Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

John Travolta Bergabung di Reboot 'The Toxic Avenger'

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Jakarta - Melanjutkan rumor sebelumnya, bintang 'Hairspray' John Travolta dilaporkan tak mau memerankan karakter superhero di film 'The Toxic Avengers'. Tapi, ia dikabarkan setuju untuk memerankan karakter lain.

"I've been tracking him for that film, but not to play THE TOXIC AVENGER himself. Pink just signed on to direct 2 other pics too," tulis Jeff Sneider menjawab rumor tersebut seperti dilansir Variety, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Film action comedy tersebut akan disutradarai oleh Steve Pink. Spekulasi yang berkembang awalnya adalah Travolta kemungkinan memerankan sang pahlawan super yang terkena radioaktif.

Ditulis sendiri oleh Steve Pink dan Daniel C Mitchell, 'The Toxic Avengers' dibuat ulang dari film komedi horor yang dirilis pada 1984 oleh Troma Entertainment. Film aslinya berlatar Tromaville, New Jersey yang diteror oleh kriminal.

Di antara penduduk Tromaville adalah Melvin, petugas kebersihan di klub kesehatan setempat yang kurus, sekaligus kutu buku. Sekelompok preman menyusun tipuan kejam, dan mlemparkan Melvin ke dalam tong sampah beracun dan berbahaya.

Namun, sebuah metamorfosis yang tak terduga terjadi. Bahan kimia mengubah Melvin menjadi Avenger Beracun, dan mulai memerangi kejahatan di kotanya.


Jupe Bikin Lagu tentang Cinta Beda Agama

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Jakarta - Selain sebagai aktris, Julia Perez juga diketahui menyalurkan bakat seninya lewat dunia tarik suara. Nah, setelah merilis single 'Siti Nurbaya', Jupe mengaku sudah membuat lagi lagu yang bikin galau. Apa itu?

Menurut artis kelahiran Jakarta, 15 Juni 1980 itu, lagu tersebut masih bercerita tentang kehidupan cintanya dengan pesepakbola asal Argentina, Gaston Castano. Jupe terpaksa harus mengakhiri kisah cintanya karena tak direstui sang bunda.

"Kali ini akan lebih dalam ngupas saya sama Gaston," ujarnya saat ditemui di kawasan Meruya, Jakarta Barat, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Saat ditanya lebih lanjut mengenai lagunya, Jupe masih belum mau memberi tahu judul lagu tersebut. "Masih rahasia, takut dijiplak. Nanti kalau udah baru aku kasih tahu," tuturnya.

"Tentang perbedaan agama ada di situ, tentang masa lalu, terus mengupas kenapa nggak disetujui," lanjut artis yang memiliki nama asli Yuli Rachmawati itu.


Olga Syahputra was rushed to the hospital, Jessica Iskandar Cry

Jakarta -Olga Syahputra an detained a sense of power to the point that he was tired of it rumored to faint and was rushed to the hospital. After the incident, he was also made a surprised a lot of people including Jessica Iskandar.

"All the profile picture attached photos of my geletakan face. Jessica nangis-blubbering, Jupe-phone, that phone at all excited. Television producer as well, "her story while nanya found in RCTI Jakarta, Friday (24/8/2012).

The incident is experienced after filling occasions Suhoor Olga. He feels there is nothing wrong with his throat, even to coughing.

Olga who fear the disease was immediately hospitalised. However, he claims to not think the incident would make his friends shindig.

"In our hospital-just kidding just kidding, I photographed at my manager, in sebarin deh. Mama look that photo, he's freaking out. Would that be all panicked. I cry a lot too just thrilled me, but there's not, "he said.


Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Many New Home, Jenny Cortez Title Bogeyman Prenatal

Jakarta -the new home of artist Jenny Cortez turns out to save a lot of mystery. Jenny believes the newly occupied residential along the mother there is indeed a ' resident '.

Moreover, the mother having possession, Asih ethereal when new house located in Tanjung Priok's number. Jenny was directly staged Thanksgiving to be kept away from inmates ' disturbances ' other.

"I'm a selametan lebaran Out deh," said women often dress sexy it recently to detikHOT.

Jenny added, things unseen that kind of fact is not new for him. The movie stars ' Recognition ' that profess a prostitute with a sensitive sort of thing small initially.

"I still like to see supernatural beings-beings in the room. I've always from small, "he admits.

"But if it dont bother, yeah me incredible aja. But this time the new Mama I bullied (the ghost), "he added.


Indra Brugman & Bertrand Antolin Menikah di Belanda?

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Jakarta - Tabloid Femme kembali memuat kabar menghebohkan. Dalam cover tabloid itu, Indra Brugman dan Bertrand Antolin disebut-sebut sudah menikah di Belanda.

Tabloid tersebut menulis betapa susahnya untuk bertemu dengan kedua bintang sinetron itu. Beberapa kali menyambangi kediaman Indra, pria kelahiran Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat itu tak pernah bisa ditemui.

Bahkan, mereka mengaku bertemu dengan ibunda Indra untuk menanyakan kabar pernikahan sejenis itu. Namun, sang ibu membantah kabar tersebut.

"Itu berita nggak benar, lagi pula sudah berita lama. Pokoknya untuk masalah itu nggak benar," ungkapnya.

Namun, ia tak membantah jika Bertrand memang kerap mengunjungi Indra. Menurutnya, Betrand sudah sangat dekat dengan keluarganya.


Nikita Mirzani: Pacar Aku Cuma Peduli Aku dan Badanku

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Jakarta - Nikita Mirzani sedang berbunga-bunga. Sang pacar yang sebelumnya diakui masih memiliki istri kini sudah resmi bercerai.

Bintang film 'Mama Minta Pulsa' itu pun lantas memuji sosok kekasih. Menurutnya sang kekasih tak peduli dengan omongan miring tentang dirinya.

"Dia itu dewasa. Dia nggak peduli sama gosip dan omongan orang tentang aku. Dia cuma butuh Niki dan badannya," selorohnya tertawa kepada detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Meski enggan memberi bocoran identitas sang pacar, Nikita mengaku kriteria impiannya ada di sosok sang kekasih. Pujian untuk sang kekasih pun tak berhenti keluar dari bibir Nikita.

"Dia tuh dewasa banget, sabar banget, nggak neko-neko deh," puji Nikita menggambarkan sosok kekasihnya.


Aida Saskia hope to Partner on next year's Idul Fitri

Jakarta -there is one prayer that dipanjatkan Aida Saskia on the feast of Eid al-Fitr this year. Aida is hoping next year's Idul fitri may their path with different status.

"Easy-very next year dapet his soul mate," ujaranya when found in his residence, Bogor, West Java, Saturday (20/8/2012) night.

Aida confesses that her parents had been bored to ask when he will take off his kesendiriannya. Even if later Aida was 29 has not had her heart will tether chosen mate by her father.

"But I dont want emangnya times Siti Nurbaya," he explained while smiling.

No Aida, now himself denied the middle was approached by several men. However there has not been a single one who feels fit.


Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Foto Topless Beredar, Nikita Mirzani: Yang Penting Nggak Telanjang

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ist.Jakarta - Sosok Nikita Mirzani kembali menjadi buah bibir masyarakat saat foto topless miripnya beredar. Nikita pun membenarkan kalau foto topless itu adalah dirinya.

Nikita pun sepertinya juga tak mau ambil pusing perihal fotonya itu. Ia menuturkan foto itu tak akan jadi masalah selama bukan foto dirinya telanjang beredar.

"Ngapain dibahas sekarang itu foto lama, yang penting nggak telanjang bulet," tuturnya kepada detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Bintang film 'Nenek Gayung' itu pun menuturkan kalau tak penting untuk membahas foto topless nya. "Udahlah nggak penting banget itu," paparnya.

Nikita bukan hanya kali ini saja membuat sensasi lewat foto topless nya. Sebelumnya, ia juga sempat menggemparkan jagat hiburan lewat beberapa foto seksinya.


Dikabarkan Hamil, Angel Lelga Sibuk Bisnis Properti

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Jakarta - Angel Lelga saat ini dikabarkan tengah berbadan dua. Membantah kabar tersebut, Angel saat ini malah tengah sibuk dengan bisnis properti.

Hal itu disampaikan sahabat Angel, Tata Liem kepada detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012). Tak hanya sibuk berbisnis, Tata juga menuturkan kalau Angel juga tengah sibuk syuting untuk beberapa produk iklan.

"Angel Lelga lagi sibuk dengan bisnis-bisnis nya. Salah satu bisnisnya bisnis properti," tuturnya.

Tata menuturkan peredaran kabar kehamilan Angel hanyalah perbuatan sirik. Apalagi melihat karier Angel tengah menanjak.

"Itu (kabar hamil) hanya perbuatan berita, itu sirik," paparnya.


Tiger JK Iri pada Popularitas Psy?

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Jakarta - Popularitas Oppan Gangnam Style Psy menanjak secara tiba-tiba. Rapper Tiger JK pun iri. Lho?

Wajar sebenarnya, Psy sejak awal sepertinya memang tak menyangka video 'Gangnam Style' nya akan jadi buah bibir dunia internasional.

"Psy merilis album dan akan berkeliling ke luar negeri untuk berpromosi," ujar Tiger JK lewat akun Twitter pribadinya dilansir AllKPop, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Seorang fans lalu bertanya apakah Tiger iri pada Psy. Ia menjawabnya dengan, "Ya, jujur aku iri," jawabnya.

Tiger dan sang istri Yoon Mi Rae kini juga sedang menapaki karier ke dunia internasional dengan berkolaborasi dengan Far East Movement dengan lagu 'Live My Life'.


Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Mayangsari & Bambang Tri Guard Tradition Mudik

Jakarta -Bambang Trihatmodjo Mayangsari Couples and also take advantage of a moment of the feast of Eid al-Fitr also to gather with family. Just like previous years, both of them celebrate victory day in hometown Mayang in Purwokerto, Central Java.

"Mother (Mayang) as Mr. lebaran in Purwokerto. Definitely go, now go home yet, "said one of the security at the home of magnificent Mayang, Jakarta, Monday (21/12/2012).

And it seems indeed Mayangsari Bambang always keep the tradition go. Mayang is also known for always take for granted back home to their homes ahead of the feast of Eid al-Fitr.

"At her daughter as well, berangkatnya before the takbiran," he added.

DetikHOT, home monitoring Mayang is located in the Simprug it does look deserted. Mayang and Bambang not long ago is also rolling out feature the ' BM prenatal Home '.


'Indra Brugman & Bertrand Antolin Menikah itu Fitnah'

AppId is over the quota
Jakarta - Kabar mengenai pernikahan Indra Brugman dan Bertrand Antolin dihembuskan oleh tabloid Femme. Melalui manajernya, Tata Liem, Indra pun membantah kabar tersebut.

Tak hanya membantah kabar mengenai pernikahan yang terjadi di Belanda itu. Tata juga menilai itu adalah fitnah.

"Itu fitnah, kalau memfitnah orang pasti banyak caranya," ungkapnya kepada detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Ia juga menilai kabar tersebut dihembuskan oleh pihak yang sirik dengan keberhasilan Indra. Meski sudah terbilang senior, Indra diakuinya masih memiliki daya jual yang cukup besar.

"Dia itu aktor yang lagi banyak job-nya, sudah gitu harganya juga masih mahal," tuturnya.


Ini Dia Rahasia Syahrini Agar Tetap Tampil Fresh

AppId is over the quota
Jakarta - Penyanyi Syahrini selalu terlihat fresh saat tampil di depan kamera atau pun ketika dirinya menghadiri sebuah acara. Apa sih rahasianya?

"Saya selalu berpikir positif dan pola hidup sehat. Menjaga mood juga penting untuk penampilan," ujarnya saat ditemui di acara ulang tahun C&R yang digelar di Meruya, Jakarta Barat, pada Jumat (24/8/2012).

Selain mengatur pola makan, pelantun lagu 'Sesuatu' itu juga rajin mengkonsumsi vitamin untuk menjaga kesehatannya.

"Pasti konsumsi vitamin dan suplemen setiap hari. Kalau nggak dibantu itu, aktivitas dan mobilitas saya bisa terganggu," jelasnya.

Sebagai penyanyi, Syahrini memang sangat menjaga kesehatannya. Gadis asal Bogor, Jawa Barat itu pun tak ingin terlihat kecapekan saat tampil di atas panggung.

"Saya rasa sebagai entertainer harus selalu menjaga penampilan karena selalu di atas panggung. Nggak boleh terlihat capek dan lelah," ucapnya.

Syahrini mengaku berat badannya naik sejak bulan Ramadan. Oleh karena itu, kekasih Bubu itu berniat untuk rutin berolahraga lagi.

"Ya lagi coba olahraga lagi, balik lagi mau pilates," tandasnya.


Minggu, 16 September 2012

Alicia Keys Rilis Album Baru 27 November

AppId is over the quota
Jakarta - Setelah menelurkan karya musiknya lewat 'The Element of Freedom' pada 2009 lalu, Alicia Keys akhirnya muncul dengan album baru. Penyanyi berusia 31 tahun itu baru saja mengumumkan tanggal rilis album kelimanya.

Bagian depan CD untuk album yang bertajuk 'Girl On Fire' itu telah beredar di internet. Alicia akan merilis albumnya ke pasaran pada 27 November mendatang.

"Just chose the album art for my new album #girlonfire!!! Coming at you 11/27!!! R u excited?! I AM!!! ;-)," tulis Alicia lewat Twitter.

Selain mengumumkan kabar baik bagi para penggemarnya itu, rencananya pelantun 'Love is Blind' itu akan menampilkan lagu-lagu terbaiknya di MTV Video Music Awards 2012 pada 6 September mendatang.

"It's a new me, I gave it my all: powerful, soulful, honesty and heart... With Girl on Fire," ucap Alicia mengomentari album barunya.


Astri Ivo Casually Left Maid Mudik

Jakarta -a lot of celebrities who panic when left aides go to their homes. But not for artist Astri Ivo.

Astri claimed left pembatunya go casual. He spoke about the children now have large, so he believes will not bother to take care of the House.

"Actually my son already gede, gede-dont bother, God willing," he said some time ago.

Even mother three kids that speak if there's the wisdom of the death of the officer. For him, the children could be more independent with no helpers.

"There are a lot Of diesel auxiliary wisdom, so children learn independently. For example, the rooms themselves and kayak bersihin messes, "he explained.


Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Kim Jang Hoon Pamer Foto Bareng Paris Hilton

AppId is over the quota
Jakarta - Penyanyi senior Kim Jang Hoon menggaet sosialita dan aktris Hollywood Paris Hilton sebagai model video klipnya. Keduanya pun tampak berpose di sela-sela syuting.

Lokasi syutingnya di pantai Malibu, Los Angeles. Jang Hoon terlihat merangkul sang sosialita. Keduanya tampak sangat akrab.

Tak hanya Jang Hoon, Paris juga tak lupa meng-update Twitternya dengan foto bersama Jang Hoon. Di fotonya ia tampak mengenakan dress panjang berwarna putih.

"Di lokasi syuting bersama Kim Jang Hoon. Pria yang baik! Love Korea," tulis Paris dilansir AllKPop, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Sementara itu Jang Hoon mengaku gugup harus berbagi kamera bersama seorang Paris Hilton. Namun syuting hari pertama itu berjalan lancar. Tak sabar tunggu video klipnya?


Nikita Mirzani Tak Akan Restui Ayahnya Nikahi Janda 3 Anak

AppId is over the quota
Jakarta - Ayahanda Nikita Mirzani, Mawardi akan menikah lagi dengan janda beranak tiga pada 16 September mendatang. Nikita pun enggan merestui pernikahan itu.

Dari awal, Niki sapaan akrabnya mengaku memang tak menyetujui hubungan antara ayah dan calon istrinya. Apalagi Nikita tahu kabar tersebut bukan langsung dari sang ayah.

"Aku tahu dari tante dia mau menikah. Niki tidak pernah merestui dan setuju!" seru bintang film 'Mama Minta Pulsa' itu kepada detikHOT, Jumat (24/8/2012).

Selama ini sang ayah tak pernah memberitahu rencana pernikahannya itu. Nikita pun semakin yakin sang ayah memang tak peduli dengan pendapatnya sebagai anak.

"Dia bilang nggak perlu restu Nikita," ungkap artis kelahiran 17 Maret 1986 itu.


Tya Ariestya Lebaran, Select vacation to Lombok

Jakarta -the feast of Eid al-Fitr Holiday much exploited ones for a walk. Tya Ariestya artists not want to miss it for that one.

Presenters who are also good at martial arts taekwondo it chooses to vacation to Lombok long holiday with her friends at this time. Tya claimed would be spent for six days in Gili Terawangan.

"I've Dated 23 Gili Terawangan, heading off to a holiday at friends," she said eager to detikHOT some time ago.

It also made a moment belibur Tya as tired of the myriad activities release button. His work in the world of entertainment make Tya rarely get to the holidays.

"I've used up one of this year's no holiday," explained while hoping the beloved Tya, Irfan Ratinggang was able to take a vacation.


Jumat, 14 September 2012

Miller's Family to Face Indonesia Hight

Jakarta, Indonesia -Malaysia artist Miller still living in Indonesia ahead of the Eid al-Fitr. No home village, he brought his family to Miller instead Indonesia.

Miller also claimed to be happy to see his family who came to Indonesia. He also claimed to be satisfied in Indonesia lebaran.

"This year's Idul Fitri to let family I so more maximum aja. More satisfied aja I Lebaran this time because it is more complete and do not like about the year yesterday kan pas Lebaran it right again shooting and the family's in Malaysia, "he added.

It came from a large family to Indonesia to invite Miller exploited streets. Miller has already prepared his plan.

"Most to Bandung, over the top," he explained.


Tya Ariestya Greet Idul Fitri, The Uniform Design

Jakarta -to welcome the feast of Eid al-Fitr, there is usually a special activity in each family who celebrate. So is carried out by large family Tya Ariestya.

He says, he has been preparing the uniform dress worn during victory day arrived.

"We already create uniform shirts for this year. This is the first new family I had previously not been, "he told detikHOT.

Dress uniform designed by Tya is indigenous Batak and national dress. Color given in the busananya it is the blue color interspersed with gold.

"It's another one with pink, ijo" he insists.

For this year, the girl who has a full name Ariestya chose berlebaran Noormita Azhar in Jakarta.


Ratna Listy does not make it a habit to buy gifts for Children during the Lebaran

Jakarta -a lot of parents who bought her a gift to his son during the hari raya Idul Fitri arrives. But it is done in the artist's family, Ratna Listy.

Ratna admitted inevitably get bought gifts for her children during the lebaran arrived. It dilakukanya to teach the children that the sustenance not only shaped the material.

"I didn't get my son you gift items," she said when found in the area Bintaro, some time ago.

"But I always remind to children if it all comes from God. So children don't always understand sustenance in the shape of money but just about anything, "he added.

Ratna also always taught what the true meaning of the feast of Eid al-Fitr. "The meaning of the (Idul fitri) I always taught to children, it fought against the passions so called victory," he said.


Inul Makin Busy Admits Lebaran

Jakarta, Indonesia -Ramadan this year brings its blessing for pedangdut Inul Daratista. Owner of the rocking ngebor it starts to exist anymore as a singer over his business is getting more and more advanced.

"Maybe more busy now, how to time still like keteteran. I've started singing again, businesses also exist ranging wider, "he added.

However, Inul confessed inevitably get lost with it. He still took the time to greet Idul Fitri with his family.

Moreover, the son of Joseph Ivander Damares also upset because he was too busy.

"Children like to complain Bitterly. So if you want to go, too quietly, "he explained.


Kamis, 13 September 2012

Rossa Defends Job Hundreds Of Millions Of Hight

Jakarta -the feast of Eid al-Fitr is a special moment for Rossa to gather together the family size. He was even willing to reject a job with honor four times for the sake of celebrating Idul Fitri with his family.

"I never got how many hundred million ditawarin, dont want to," he said to detikHOT.

Lebaran day for Rossa as Muslims, is victory day after fasting hold passions for 30 days. Then he missed the moment not to work.

"Happy to meet many people. Family and friends, "he added.

But My waiting for ' chanter ' it willingly suspend time mudiknya before Idul Fitri. "For the 15th (August) but it turns out there is an invitation to sing at the Palace of August 17. If I ask the Palace as a citizen must be prepared. It just got home exhausted, "said 33-year-old singer.


Jessica Biel Justin Timberlake & Officially Married

Jakarta -happy News comes from the couple's celebrity top-tier artist Hollywood, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake. Both are rumored to have been officially married.

Jessica and Justin is reported to give an appointment at Jackson Hole Tome as lively as semati, Wyoming, Saturday (18/8/2012). The same place when they decided to get engaged in December 2011.

"They do it quickly," said columnist Janet Charlton gossip as reported by Showbiz Spy, Monday (8/8/2012).

The invited guests were too much. They rented a room at the Four Seasons luxury castle hotels. Justin and Jessica held her wedding with a very private party.

Jessica acting as Captain in the movie ' Charisa Sosa in The a-team ' first date with Justin on 2007. After that they had a chance to break up the routine connected though-disconnected.


Greet Idul Fitri, Inul Collect Food

Jakarta -the feast of Eid al-Fitr identical new clothes and food in abundance. Pedangdut Inul Daratista are preparing everything to greet Idul Fitri.

"If I ngumpulin a lot of tradition, because the food I must have a lot of guests, ranging from business associates, friends, media, usually singing I need to store a lot of the menu," he explained.

As for the fruit of the beloved's heart, has also set up an outfit Inul new. Inul is indeed very indulging children solely wayangnya, Joseph Ivander Damares.

"But I'm no neko-neko. We can kid hard, so what she want we certainly beliin. But, thank God his son although still small self, "udah know he added.

So, who's hospitality home lebaran nanti Inul? Owners ngebor it would welcome a rocking with a lot of food.


Rabu, 12 September 2012

4th Child pregnant, Krisdayanti So Spoiled

Jakarta -Krisdayanti now contains all four children admitted to the Central underwent a few changes. Already three months was the wife of Raul Lemos was becoming more spoiled.

It is expressed as KD detikHOT found at his residence in the Kaffir lime, South Jakarta, Saturday (18/8/2012). In addition to the spoiled, chanter ' you are In my heart forever ' was also so lazy to dress up.

"These three months I was so lazy, lazy makeup too," he said.

KD has revealed that she is currently heavier due to her age who are already treading 37 years. However, he claims to be greatly enjoyed it.

"Now 37 clearly more tired but my nikmatin," he added.


Birthday, KK Wanted To Add The Production Of The Film Dheeraj

Jakarta -Since established production house in 2006, K2K KK Dheeraj has spawned more than 10 films. Man on August 23, the upcoming birthday it has had great desire.

Dheeraj wants to continue to add the production of the film more than last year. But not just in terms of the quantity he wants to increase, India also blooded men always try to continually improve the quality of film production each year.

"I Hope it continues to make movies more than ever before, with better quality," he said to detikHOT, Tuesday (8/8/2012).

Actually, is not a figure that Dheeraj came from families who work in the field of film. His father was a successful businessman in the field of factory granite, marble.

"The Film is my hobby," he added.

Dheeraj pleaded, practically all films produced revenue. Although often get excoriation, however he was not broken charcoal.

"My films much scorned, but practice. So in fact it proves that movies I liked, "said producer ' Bath ' Hips Rocking Pocong.


Feel for Eclectus Idul Fitri on different Maulida

Jakarta -Nuri Maulida there are different claims on Idul Fitri this year. This year, he had to prepare a feast of Allowance money (THR) to divided in their hometown.

"I go to Bandung. If I were given the money, now I have that, it berbedaannya ngasih, "said Nuri to detikHOT.

To that end, the woman who was once rumored to be married with ustad Thunder series Earth has Exchange money of his work during this time. However, for the amount, Nuri was reluctant to reveal.

"That must have been exchanged before being doled out," he explained.

Soap opera players ' Love ' was also hoping Fitri Lebaran this year itself could be a much better man than before.


Selasa, 11 September 2012

KD Dreamed Could Have Private Aurel & Lebaran Azriel

Jakarta -All parents would want to celebrate Idul fitri with her children. It was the Middle dimimpikan by Krisdayanti. He was particularly looking forward to hanging out with two children, Aurel and Azriel.

"As parents hope to be berlebaran same Aurel and Azriel," said Raul's wife when it encountered on Friday at his home in the Kaffir lime, West Jakarta, Saturday (18/8/2012).

Unfortunately, so far has not been able to ascertain whether KD he will get to meet Aurel and Azriel. Chanter song ' love you ' was only able to let go.

"We are waiting for the time when indeed not know it yet," he added.

More recently, indeed a little trouble to see KD Childs. In the month of Ramandan, they've met once.


Inul Daratista Happier Now

Jakarta -Pedangdut Inul Daratista now feeling his life happier. It was felt from the presence of her first child Joseph Damares Ivander.

"I am now happier, really have no family, no children. If the first waiting for job to want to where, confused about now work there that awaited, there is a dikangenin, "he said to detikHOT.

Damares presence occurred after 13 years of marriage with Adam Inul Suseno. He could not stop trying and praying, and program conducting tube baby.

Inul, best known for rocking ngebornya, it's rarely appeared on television. He was deliberately reduced schedule manggungnya to take care of the child.

Currently, pedangdut people from Pasuruan, East Java, January 21, 1979 and it was more often a gig off the water. In addition it also has a wide variety of Inul's business, including karaoke, Inul Vista family.


Prayers On Idul Fitri With Krisdayanti Granted Could Be His Mother

Jakarta -the feast of Eid al-Fitr this year seemed like the most perfect for singer Krisdayanti. KD can celebrate with the family size including the beloved's mother.

The wife of Raul Lemos was noted as granted to speak can still berlebaran with his mother. Plus see the husband was so excited to prepare first with large family lebaran KD.

"It (the mother of Idul fitri) prayer granted. Because Raul is happy in the middle of the family. Raul goal indeed collect us all in the middle of the family. In yesterday's we don't get these moments in the middle of the family togetherness in Ramadan, "said KD when held open house at his home in the Kaffir lime, Sunday (19/8/2012).

Older KD, Adly as well as feel the happiness. Perhaps even more than the adik.

The reason, Raffi Ahmad's lover feel if his children this year can already perform fasting without force. "Ramadannya fun. If I personally also very happy because the kids are great and they've endured fasting without being forced, "said Yuni.

In addition, if you have a large family Adly did have a tradition to gather together hight. The moment it was made to sungkeman with their mother.


'The Expendables 2' Geser 'Bourne Legacy' dari Puncak Box Office

Jakarta -action Film starring the actors are seasoned Hollywood, ' The Expendables 2' scored pretty good results in the first week pemutarannya. The movie shifts ' Bourne Legacy ' from the top of the US box office.

Sylvester Stallone cs print US $ 28.8 million or approximately USD 273 Mylar. But those numbers were much smaller than the income of the first series ' Expendables ' which resulted in a US $ 34,8 million in August 2010.

Meanwhile, the fourth series ' Bourne ' film should descend from the top US box office throne. The Film, starring Jeremy Renner was raked US $ 17 million.

The third stage box office populated by ' ParaNorman ' income-generating US $ 14 million. The Film also gets pretty good reviews from critics.

' The Campaign ' was ranked fourth with revenues of US $ 13.4 million. While the ' Sparkle ' follow one rank below the US $ 12 million.

Here's the top ten box office last weekend:

"The Expendables 2"-$ 17.8 million
"The Bourne Legacy"-$ 5 million
"ParaNorman"-$ 14 million
"The Campaign"-$ 13.4 million
"Sparkle"-$ 12 million
"The Dark Knight Rises"-$ 11.1 million
"The Odd Life of Timothy Green" — $ 6.8 million
"Hope Springs (2012)"-$ 9.1 million
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days"-$ 2.4 million
"Total Recall"-$ 3.5 million


Senin, 10 September 2012

Deciding on Divorce, Katie Holmes Apologized on Tom Cruise?

Jakarta -Katie Holmes is rumored to apologise on Tom Cruise because secretly filed a divorce. He is now reportedly felt very embarrassed.

The newspaper disclosed a source such as reported by the ShowbizSpy, Saturday (18/8/2012). "Katie has apologised," he said.

Katie is believed to feel depressed because his attitude to Tom Cruise. In fact, he also regret having through the streets.

As known, Katie suddenly divorced her husband on Thursday (28/6/2012). Any news Katie opted to get divorced because Tom adherents of Scientology.

"He feels bad about what happened. He was sorry, he was also ashamed of, "he added.


New Home & New Girlfriend, Blessing This Year For Ayu Ting Ting

Jakarta -Ayu Pedangdut TIng Ting grateful for his career achievements. He also felt that his ghosts make feels more complete.

"The difference this time, I Lebaran there new homes and already had a boyfriend," said detikHOT Ayu to.

Since the song ' Fake ' Address which he exploded in the market, sing the offer of a job it seems to never run out to Ayu. Even reportedly currently nonor gig pedangdut it 20 years old reached Rp 30 million per 30 minutes to perform.

Ayu am grateful already have their own income. Moreover, he could share with his family.

"I love to love red envelope every Idul fitri. If yes food and get-togethers with ketupat vegetable family, "he said.


For The Sake Of Dreams Go International, Float Willingly Lebaran Without Family

Jakarta -Float seems to have to bury hopes to be able to celebrate Eid with relatives this year. The reason, the Float must fill in an event in Taiwan.

Iva Cs mengorban lebaran isn't willing to speak with my family for the sake of chasing their dreams to go international. They speak if his opportunity was to come twice.

"This is a dream from us, we want to be known not only in Indonesia but also in foreign countries," said one of the casualties, as found in the Iva Kemayoran, some time ago.

Chanter ' Peyek ' that plan Iwak will perform at the Embassy of Indonesia to Taiwan during the lebaran arrived. Fortunately their decision could be accepted by each family.

"Before the event we take discussion of the same family if we can not with my family in Indonesia lebaran. But their response if this is indeed good for our careers why not, "he added.


Minggu, 09 September 2012

Andhika Pratama Willingly For The Sake Of Not So Idle Husband Mudik

Jakarta -Sulistiawaty already entered Pregnancy Ussy seventh month. See pregnancy and wife getting old, surely need extra attention from the husband, Andhika Pratama.

In order to be able to give extra attention to that, not willing to go home hometown Andhika. He also will spend time with his wife on Idul fitri, Jakarta.

"This year I dont come home, God willing I lebaran here with my wife. Again also pregnant again so Ussy kan I dont dare to return home this year, "said Andhika when found in area of Tebet, some time ago.

In addition to accompany Ussy, lebaran this year also created by Andhika for approaching his wife's family. The reason, this year became the first after lebaran married Ussy.

"I want to get to know the family in Jakarta, kan Ussy our first time together on Idul fitri. So I'm ready when this year's must berlebaran in Jakarta, "he explained.


Happiness Sheza & Shezi Idris Kala Lebaran

Jakarta -happy, cheerful and always smiling. That's a big family Idris. The beatific vision, which also exists in every-day Idul Fitri arrives.

This year the whole family a great artist brothers are grateful can gather with intact.

"Today there is an open house and gathered the same family dearest. Love to get together again with your loved ones at the right time, "explained Idris then found dikediamannya Shezi in Complex Crackle Kingdom, Duri Kosambi, West Jakarta, Monday (8/8/2012).

Not only the taste of happiness can Shezi hanging out with my husband and beloved family, the younger Middle also leapt Sheza. It is because of him that is already nine months in a relationship with a man from Lombok.

"He's again the same family in Lombok lebaran. Do you not yet binding so still with their respective families, "said Sheza which starred the soap opera ' Flattered ' that while laughing 5.

"It's been the same permission so ya kok we are given permission," chimes in on the mother, Hj. Sherly Idris.

Although already feel complete, both mum and dad says it will Sheza Shezi Idris more complete if there is can lebaran new family members.

"Yes if God willing, as being already duty and Shezi Sheza married or faster Sheza and existing Shezi momongan," said the father, Idris Supriyatna.


Aura Kasih Tak Take Job In Favor Of Get-togethers With My Family On Idul Fitri

Jakarta -Singer Aura Kasih tak seems tempted by the lure of high pay for gig imingan hight. Aura was admitted to intentionally empty schedule by hanging out with the family.

In fact, Let's make love ' chanter ' it's already empty schedule from one week before and after Idul fitri. He claimed it would really like to take advantage of the time to hang out with her family on Idul fitri.

"The week before and the week after lebaran, lebaran did not take the job. A couple of weeks it's special for the family. Because I seldom really can meet family, "he added when found the area Cipete, some time ago.

The movie stars ' Asmara two of Diana ' it speak the many traditions that are wont to do when the lebaran arrived. One tradition is to go with a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Trustees.

"Our family is often a pilgrimage to (grave) a trustee, usually four days after Idul fitri. Already a tradition of I small, "he insists.


Sabtu, 08 September 2012

So Governor, Rano Karno Could Still Make Albums

Jakarta -in spite of busy live task as Governor of Banten, Rano Karno is still made myself to make a work of art. What would it be?

As it turns out, the star of ' Si Doel ' Schoolgirl that had made the album when Ramadan then. He claims to be working on the album itself, and condoned by his superiors in the Office.

"No (reprimand). President aja singing, "he said while Housing found Asri 3 Earth Beautiful Corals, Cinere, South Jakarta, Monday (8/8/2012).

The most important according to Rano representatives, his job as he always used to do well. Men born in Jakarta, 8 October 1960 it was claimed to be unable to stop the blood art.

"Sih Pengen (main movie or create other works). But time is not possible how do I. Maybe next year, I did a new 6 months in Banten, "he said.


Yuni Shara want to hastily Marry Before Aging

Jakarta -a story of romance and Raffi Ahmad Yuni Shara seems soon will empties into marriage. Yuni claims to be eager to be married before growing older.

"Insha Allah (quick is married) do not let my old trigger wrote," said Yuni while attending an open house at the residence in the Kaffir lime Krisdayanti, Sunday (19/8/2012).

Yuni's intention, then, immediately welcomed the family size. Sister, Yuni Krisdayanti very hoping that his brother can marry again.

"But do not close the possibility to get home on Idul fitri Yunet (Yuni Shara) with a new status in next year so could go to Bandung, too," said KD.

Hear that hope, mother of two children and even then can only pray. Yuni has encouraged a kind of for a quick marriage after hearing the hope of the family.

"Yes I still thank you. They want the best for me. As far as their views and what is perceived by the younger sister is good for me. Insha Allah will be one consideration for me to determine my attitude more forward, "explained Yuni.


Happiness Krisdayanti in Ramadan this year

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Jumat, 07 September 2012

Inevitably Miss Out On Get-togethers With My Family, She Defends Job Lebaran

Jakarta -could gather with relatives during the feast of Eid al-Fitr is indeed unable to be paid with money. It ever seems to really be felt Manohara.

In fact, She willingly refuse job in order to spend the lebaran inevitably time to gather with family. He claims to be, two years later couldn't gather with families because of the hight TODO pile up.

"This year did not take the job 2 years back I dont get togethers in now dont want to lewatin," he added some time ago.

Owner full name Manohara Odelia Pinot that is claimed to be berlebaran in his hometown of Makassar. He also uses it to show forth bermaaf-maafan with his relatives.

"How to get a Lebaran sungkem same same Grandma Makassar pilgrimage," he explained.


Lebaran, Depe Can Still Red Envelope

Jakarta -even though it already has a sizable income, but are apparently still remain pedangdut Dewi Persik received money Tunjungan Feast (THR) of the three brothers. In the family tradition of giving each other women who are familiar with the call is addressed that indeed often Depe time done.

"That is sorely missed ya get THR. Because it is a tradition in the family I was, "he said while talking with detikHOT.

Although the amount is not as much of his earnings in the can itself, but my ex-wife's claims delighted Saipul Jamil while getting his third from THR. The most important thing for him is not how big money at dapatkannya.

"It should be preserved Traditions. Get the same family, to share that have become routine ampao kala lebaran arrived, "he explained.

For lebaran this time, owner of the rocking saws chose to return to his hometown, Jember. Do not forget when the fruit of the heart, Depe hope if next year could be put together by the next lebaran.


10 years of vacuum, Won Bin Defends Bid Acting in Drama

Jakarta -The handsome Won Bin already 10 years do not take part in a television drama. Can offer more drama, Won Bin rejects.

Earlier he said had agreed to perform in the play and the production will be broadcast next year. He is rumored to still review Storyboard drama.

But in the end it is so marked a dramatic comeback in the glass display. Won Bin decides to step down.

"Won Bin chose not to appear in the drama, written and directed by Noh Heekyung Kim Kyutae feel, although he was very optimistic in that drama," said a spokesman for the drama offered Koreaboo, Thursday (16/8/2012).

Won Bin last appeared in the TV drama ' Friends ' in 2002. Later he starred in several films and became an advertising model.


Robert Downey Jr. Crashes, the shooting of ' Iron Man 3 ' Delayed

Jakarta -the bad news came from the production of ' Iron Man 3 '. Marvel Studios has announced that if the main cast Robert Downey Jr. had an accident so that the process of filming had to be delayed.

Ankle injury suffered when Downey did a scene in Willmington. Therefore, the production process is paused.

"Robert Downey Jr. suffered ankle injuries at the site of Iron man 3 in Wilmington, North Carolina when perform a scene," wrote the Marvel in a pernyatan.

"There will be a delay while the production schedule while waiting for him to recover," added the studio as reported by Aceshowbiz, Thursday (16/8/2012).

In addition in Wilmington, the third series ' Iron Man'akan shooting in Raleigh/Durham, Miami, Florida and China. Walt Disney Pictures is planning to release the film director Shane Black's landing on May 3, 2013.


Kamis, 06 September 2012

For questions about Eunjung Defends T-ara

Jakarta -a matter of controversy in Whose bullying Hwayoung, one by one the personnel T-ara are starting to appear in public. But they all refused to talk about T-ara.

Eunjung is present at the session of the Conference for his latest drama ' Five Fingers '. Eunjung looks fresh with a new haircut. But he refused to answer any question of T-ara.

The staff were present kept dodging and remind the reporter who attended to an ask anything about T-ara. They hope all the questions only about Five Fingers ' drama '.

"I am committed to providing the best. In such a situation, I do my best to not cause trouble on the seniors (actors). I'm going to work harder now, "said reported by the Daily KPop News Eunjung, Thursday (16/8/2012).

Previous Hyomin also do similar when a news conference ' One Thousandth Man '. He even refused to answer while crying.


Celebrate A Birthday With Niel Teen Top

Jakarta -celebrate the birthday of course could be with anybody. Teen Top personnel Ahn Daniel chose to celebrate with one his band colleagues.

Niel berulangtahun 18th today, Thursday (16/8/2012). He was also grateful to the people who already say good on him.

"I went through a wonderful day thanks to the survival of the greeting. Thank you for everything. I laugh at the hair Ricky. To reciprocate the love and support you guys, I'm going to work hard, "wrote the official me2day account via Niel Teen Top offered Soompi.

Hair that ridiculed Nie; is a Rocky blue hair "decorated" by whipped cream. Ricky was also wearing pink fairy wings on his back.

Also not forgetting to upload Niel photo birthday celebration. In the picture it looks happy smiling while holding Niel cake birthday is also blue. Saengil Chukhahamnida, Niel!


Prior to Argentina, Gaston Julia Perez Wants Lebaran Together

Jakarta -ahead of the feast of Eid al-Fitr, a Gaston Castano also guaranteed on vacation. He also intends to take time off to return to his native Argentina.

However, it turns out before returning home, Gaston first wanted to celebrate Idul Fitri with Julia Perez. This year also the plan will be the first joint Lebaran Jupe.

"This is the first time I was with my sister-sister of Idul Fitri and 2003 papaku," says Jupe as found in ITC Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday (16/8/2012).

Jupe plan would celebrate Idul Fitri with his father behind bars. His father, Jaya indeed central Space was arrested for drug cases.

"Gaston give me support, she said I want to Idul Fitri together before going to Argentina," he admits.


Rabu, 05 September 2012

Married August 30, Nunung Ready 90 percent

Jakarta -Nunung soon will create a wedding with July Jan Sambiran. Plan their wedding will be held August 30, 2012.

Preparation to day of happy it was seems to have almost complete. According to the attorneys, Sandy Arifin, both 90 percent ready to get married.

"Yesterday's lemengkapi wedding terms, God willing, 90 percent are over. Invitations have also been handed out, "he said, Thursday to detikHOT (16/8/2012).

They plan to be married in their hometown Nunung in Solo. Also choose Nunung in his hometown because nobody wants to prepare his marriage. ribet

"We did have a neighbors in kampung, will definitely engage them," says Nunung some time ago.


Saipul Jamil resigned to 1.5 years in jail Demanded

Jakarta -Saipul Jamil demanded punishment of 1.5 years in prison by the District Court on the case of an accident and Purwakarta killed his wife, Virginia. Saipul was facing other demands that Galliani.

Ipul greeting familiar Saipul indeed very shocked to hear such claims. He was like an terpacaya with what is current on him.

"I have resigned," he added by telephone detikHOT, to Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Though not believe with what overwrite current, widower Tersembunyi was like trying doggedly through the ordeal. He was also hoping in the future, will get the best.

"Hopefully in the future, either," he explained.


Sorry, Kristen Stewart ' Hujani ' Robert Pattinson with love letters

Jakarta -After having an affair with Director Rupert Sanders, Kristen Stewart apparently truly sorry. He was also as much as possible in his apology, Robert Pattinson.

"Christian sent a letter, handwritten by the dozens. Robert begged again, "said a source reported by the Showbizspy, Thursday (16/8/2012).

According to these sources, the letter was Christian writing words like "I can't live without you. I love you. You're the only one and I made the biggest mistake of my life ".

Not only a love letter, Christian also sent lots of short messages. But apparently can not forgive Robert lovers love the location.

"He sent a short message throughout the day and Robert only reply with one word only," pungkas source.


Universal Pictures: Depak Kristen Stewart from "Snow White 2 '

Jakarta -Kristen Stewart still has a chance to get back playing snow white character in the sequel film ' Snow White and the Huntsman '. Universal Pictures has denied the news circulated earlier.

According to rumors in circulation later on, Christianity was driven out of the film after the scandal with the selingkuhnya Director, Rupert Sanders was revealed to the public. Now Universal Pictures said rumors.

"We are proud of the Snow White and the Huntsman and is exploring all our possibilities to continue the movie," said Donna Langley UniversalCo-Chairman in a statement reported by the official Aceshowbiz, Thursday (16/8/2012).

"All the reports mention Kristen Stewart was deposed, is not true," he asserted.

Meanwhile, Universal did not mention the possibility of whether Rupert returned as Director Sandersakan won. Previously reported if Rupert's wife, no longer allow Libety Ross suamimnya back involved in the movie if you want to save her marriage.


Selasa, 04 September 2012

Henry Yosodiningrat Admitted Never Met Cannon Bellina

Jakarta -famous Lawyer Henry Yosodiningrat buffeted by recent news of unsightly. Henry is said to have a relationship with a senior artist Bellina Cannon.

Henry also firmly denied the news. In fact, he admitted to not meet the figure of Cannon.

"I dont have any relationship, even no communication with Cannon Bellina. What's more, "he said when met was contacted, Wednesday (15/8/2012) night.

Lawyer who had handled the case of Julia Perez and Dewi feud: it's also indicated if all the news about is lying. were He also admitted to lifetime never left his family.

"A lifetime I dont ever leave the family go months (wife and children) and 112 others," he asserted.


Lee Min Ho: Her Playboy

Jakarta -handsome Face, acting, riveting and got no lover. Nothing wrong if a lot of people think Lee Min Ho is a playboy. He was also denied.

Last Min Ho known to have had a relationship with co-star in the specials ' City Hunter ' Park Min Young. However both are rumored to have split up the road.

In addition considered a playboy, Min Ho is also touted as a drinker. He strong drink lots of alcohol. How thoughts Min Ho?

"Actually I couldnt drink a lot. I also chose to stay at home than go out. If I'm close to someone, they will certainly say I differ with my image, "said Min Ho offered Soompi, Thursday (16/8/2012).

For Min Ho, things continue to be extended. He instead delighted because it is considered as someone who is different from himself in the real world.


New song Taylor Swift Inspired Kandasnya Relationship with Joe Jonas?

Jakarta -Taylor Swift has just released his new single ' We are Never Ever Getting Back Together '. Vent through the song again, Taylor?

It didn't. The song was originally associated with a relationship with Joe Jonas Taylor which was wrecked in 2008. But Joe himself denied it.

"I don't think we ever tried (to return), so I can say that song is not about me," said Joe reported by Female First, Thursday (16/8/2012).

Taylor was believed to often vent through the song. In her previous albums he believed to write a song about her relationship with Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner, and John Mayer.

Often called the vent through the songs he wrote himself I actually can't dodge Taylor. However, he admitted it like pouring what he feels to be song.

"Kind of hard to write a message in a song because I know you guys will figure it out directly (for whom that song). But I'm also happy that you put great attention on the lirikku, "said Taylor.

Senin, 03 September 2012

Infidelity News Henry Yoso & Cannon Bellina Cheap Sensation

Jakarta -Henry Yosodiningrat rumored infidelity with Bellina. However, the child, judging it Adhit Yosodiningrat just sheer sensation.

"I just say it's just a sensation of Kartika cheesy enough," says Adhit Yosodiningrat to detikHOT, Tuesday (17/6/2012).

The news spread through the short message is received the media crew. In the message, even called the wife of Henry Cannon dilabrak Yoso.

Adhit pun claimed had no idea who's spreading the message. He also confused why get to like it.

"It's not clear whom nyebarin, we also dont know. Why Bingunglah can be so, "he admits.


Rian D'Masiv Lebaran, ' ' Face Family of Yogyakarta to Jakarta

Jakarta -Usually, each celebrating Idul Fitri, the band's vocalist, Rian D'Masiv villages return to Yogyakarta. However, this year is different. It is precisely when his family to Jakarta.

"I usually to Yogyakarta, is now yours, family of Yogyakarta to Jakarta," said Rian as found in Smesco, South Jakarta some time ago.

Rian pleaded his family from Jogja cannot long stay in Jakarta. One is because there they have a pet should always be maintained.

Rian with colleagues his band claiming to be off for 5 days. It was also utilized them to gather with family.

"Ray go to Majalengka, Revelation to Solo. Much longer about five days after Idul Fitri, but four days, turning again to its original activity, "he added.


Fabriana Greet Idul Fitri Tradition Of Fanny

Jakarta -everyone must have had a special tradition for welcoming feast of Idul Fitri, including artist Fanny Fabriana. Fanny also claimed to have a unique habit of hight. What would it be?

Though hardly a ' boy ' anymore, Fanny apparently still have the habit to queue up to get a typical envelope lebaran. He also claimed it was deliberately preserved customs solely for funny-lucuan.

"I've nyiap-nyiapin clothes, same envelope created divided. The funny thing is I've segede gini, I gave the other brother-love still queued for rationed envelope, "he added noting lebaran smile a while ago.

In addition, the movie stars ' Final ' turned out to be Wolves also have a tradition of diesel. In contrast to previous years, this time he will also go to the husband's hometown in Tasikmalaya.

"Go, to Bandung. Because I'm big there, and parents and extended family were there. About 2 days rest I to Tasikmalaya because my husband was originally from there. Met my husband's family, "he explained.


Rumored Infidelity, Henry Yosodiningrat Claims To Be Vilified

Jakarta -Artist Name Cannon Bellina suddenly appeared to be a thorn in the marriage lawyer Henry Yosodiningrat. Henry was upset to hear the news.

Her newspaper were with Cannons is slander. He also questioned why until it could appear slanted news.

"Crazy, news that paslu! Where are the women that was fabricated for people claiming to be my wife, "he said when contacted, Wednesday (15/8/2012) night.

Henry even claimed that during the month of Ramadan himself never leaving his family. He claims to always perform fasting together his family.

"During the month of fasting, I am eating Suhoor and Iftar with the family at home. I dont ever go along with everyone else in the House of someone other than at home with my wife and my children, "she said.


Minggu, 02 September 2012

' Paparazzi ' SNSD Released in Korea

Jakarta -the last Single in Japan SNSD finally released also in Korea. They released ' Paparazzi ' today, Thursday (16/8/2012).

' Paparazzi ' was released on CD and DVD. Reported by-HTTP AllKPop, total total having three versions.

The first version was a limited edition CD and DVD. Both regular CDs and DVDs, and last only a CD only. The DVD contains video clips and video behind the creation.

' Paparazzi ' was released in Japan last June 27. Videos video clip is touted as the most excited of all SNSD music video ever.

Meanwhile at the moment were preparing themselves to SNSD ' SMTOWN Live World Tour III ' in Seoul. They will also be present in the same title coming September 22 in Jakarta.


Dipolisikan Yasmine Wildblood, Selebritis Manager Arrested

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Alanis Morissette's New American Idol Judges?

Jakarta -After two members left the judges Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez, American Idol is now looking for a replacement for them. Some of the musicians of the world emerged.

Starting from Pharrell Williams, Nick Jones and Mariah Carey were rumored to be the successor to both the jury left. So far, only Mariah that eventually became a reality.

However, recently appeared new names rumored to be the candidate of the powerful new American Idol judges. The name was originally a musician Alanis Morissette.

Chanter ' Ironic ' that was rumored to love to hear the offer. However, to date there has been no agreement between the parties.

"Alanis completely thrilled about the news. But until now there has been no agreement even though they (American Idol) has been offering it, "said a source such as reported by the ShowbizSpy, Thursday (16/8/2012).


Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Busy So Animators, Nadia Vega Inevitably Stop So The Artist

Jakarta -Nadia Vega currently ' fell in love ' with his new world in the field of animation. Nadia was later often deals with the world of animation.

Even my new hobby that could make it got an offer as a Director. Even so, the movie stars ' Leak ' was not granted to switch professions.

"I had a chance to make video clips of friends, now udah bikin poster," he added when found in the area of Bekasi, on Wednesday (15/8/2012).

"I want His right behind the camera, but I'm proud to still be given a chance in front of the camera, there is still much to be developed of me," he added.

Former lover of Aldi Taher was little explaining the difference jumped into the world of acting and the world of animation. He claims to be the world that actually had two ' flavors ' of the same.

"There was a case of taste is acting I poured so ekpsresi, if the animation works that I pour through the image. Equally excited is the same in the world of art, if it's in front of the camera more animated character nunjukkin character if indicated from the picture, "he explained.


Busy Filming, Lee Min Ho Down Weight 7 Kg a month

Jakarta -Busy si handsome Lee Min Ho Filming his latest drama ' ... Faith ' to make her lose weight 7 kilos. Wah!

"I am down 7 pounds a month," said Min Ho in SBS ' One Night of TV Entertainment ' offered-http AllKPop, Thursday (16/8/2012).

Down weight that does not only make it so thin. But it also feels so weak compared to before.

"On the first day of filming, there is a scene I'm carrying Kim Hee Sun. He feels light. But I carry her still again a month later and it took a lot of energy. Now my spinal cord, only bersisa "keluhnya.

This is not the first time Lee Min Ho is too busy. While filming ' City Hunter ' last year, Min Ho even had no time to sleep. He is rumored to only sleep 2 hours a day when travel between locations. Stay healthy, Min Ho!


' Release the 3 ', Appear Darker HiVi

Jakarta -When it comes with a single ' Beautiful Ass ', the band newcomers HiVi performed with image fun and cheerful. But with the second single, Dea (vocals), Inspiration (vocals), El Chele (vocals/guitar), and Ezra (vocals/guitar) appear darker.

Change the image that is displayed not only in terms of the songs, but also of the concept of setuap in appearance. With this change, it is expected the listener of the song "3rd Person" can feel the ambience offered the song.

Eight songs plus one intro they prepare in their debut album entitled Say Hi! to HiVi!. Spiced touch other music genres, with the aim of producing easy listening tunes with maximum quality.

The song ' the People ' was created by the pesonil HiVi themselves. Brings acoustic pop rhythms, the song "3rd Person" tries to tell about someone HiVi who falls in love with another person who already has a partner.

HiVi pun just finish shooting video clip "3rd Person" at the end of last July in Parangtritis, Yogyakarta. "This time, we wanted to take the theme of loneliness, which shows the loneliness. Much different than the previous character are cheerful, bustling & "El Chele said.


Have Yet To Release A New Album, Carly Rae Jepsen Was Praised Justin Bieber

Jakarta -Singer whose name leapt through the ' Call Me ' Carly Rae Jepsen Maybe ready to release a new album. Released to the public September 18, Justin Bieber's praise album. Lho?

Justin was already heard the songs on the album first. Justin and Carly were indeed the same label under the direction of Scooter Braun.

"@ carlyraejepsen listened to your album today at rehearsal with @ scooterbraun and the crew. GREAT JOB! "wrote Justin via his personal Twitter account reported by Aceshowbiz, Thursday (16/8/2012).

The new Album was given the title ' Carly KISS '. Carly has also been uploading the cover of the album through his personal Twitter account. ' KISS ' is also reportedly will include a song with Justin Bieber collaboration Carly and Owl City.

"I can't tell you how lucky I am to be able to collaborate with some of the producers of my dreams. This will be the most memorable experience, "said Carly some time ago.


Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Lady Gaga Write Songs About Jakarta ' Partynauseous '

Jakarta -Lady Gaga cancel concert in Jakarta is supposed to dihelat 3 June. It was apparently an aborted concert very imprint in the heart Gaga. '

To the extent that, Gaga wrote a special song that was inspired by Jakarta. He also mentions wanting to make peace with his "enemies" in the country.

"I wrote ' PARTYNAUSEOUS ' about Jakarta, and my relationship with that country. Wishing I could ' get high with the enemy ' and make peace, "said Gaga through his personal Twitter account, Thursday (16/8/2012).

New song Mother Monster is a collaboration with Kendrick Lamar. Lately, both of which are indeed friendly and often hang out together.

' Partynauseous ' will appear on the debut album by Kendrick ' good kid, m.A.A. d city '. The Album ready was released October 2 release.


Nunung Married August 30, 2012!

Jakarta -Nunung and Jan Sambiran will perform July wedding on August 30, 2012. They plan to be married in their hometown Nunung in Solo.

"Yes August 30, yesterday to Solo and Surabaya to supplement the terms," says their legal power, Sandy Arifin to detikHOT, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

Never claimed to want to marry Nunung in Solo because inevitably difficult-difficult to prepare it. It will also involve neighbours in happy days.

"His preparation of mediocrity, just us in the village did have a neighbor, would engage them," says Nunung some time ago.

The prospective husband, Jan is now indeed the Middle deal with police after reporting his ex-wife. However, it would seem to make her wedding plans with Nunung distracted.


Rumored Selingkuhi Bellina, Henry Yosodiningrat Cannon Laugh

Jakarta -Henry Yosodiningrat rumored affair with senior artist Bellina Cannon. Hearing the news, Attorney parlente was just laughing.

It is revealed, the son of Adhit Yosodiningrat to detikHOT, Tuesday (17/6/2012). According to him, the news is a lie.

"He laughed just say so, let alone the mau engineered?" said Adhit which also serves as a lawyer.

Shocking news about romance scandal initially circulated Cannon Henry and via a short message to the crew of the media. In the message, the sender indicated that Cannon was also wife of Henry dilabrak.

"A lie really well at home, etc. nyokap die dont gimana gimana-. Which wife? There-there's only. It's not clear whom nyebarin, "he said.


Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Father Languishing in prison, Julia Perez Replace Tasks completed by the Family

Jakarta -brother-in-law of Julia Perez, Space Jaya has now moved from BNN to Cipinang Prison. He was detained because of drug cases. Prior to Lebaran, one should replace the role of Jupe the father takes care of his family.

He looks came to the shopping centre, ITC Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday (16/8/2012). As well as her sisters Jupe looks inviting.

"Today with my half-sister incidentally Jupe have time to share with younger sister, I also want to make clothes that beliin papa has now been moved to Cipinang," says Jupe.

Jupe is also feeling the road with her sisters can rarely because of scheduling. He now had the pleasure of being able to spend a little time with them.

"It's time I replaced my father take care of my sisters task now," he added.

Brother-in-law of Jupe was arrested for drugs. He caught my hands have sabu-sabu weighing 0.70? grams.


Henry Yosodiningrat: I'd Like To Have A Wife Affair How

Jakarta -famous Lawyer Henry Yosodiningrat laugh, heard her having an affair with artist Cannon Bellina. Plus he also mentioned having three wives.

Henry also assumes that news was nothing more than a cheap thrill. In addition, the Chairman of the GRENADE that laugh also responded by lightly called had many wives. What he said?

"That's the business I want to have a wife," said Henry laughed when contacted, Wednesday (15/8/2012) night.

Furthermore, Henry calls the far-fetched rumor. Moreover, during the month of Ramadan is he claimed time more the wife loved ones at home.

News that first appears after the message chain up to the media. Its contents will provide Cannon artist mention clarification on the issue of the three wives of Henry Yosodinigrat melabrak because of the Cannon lawyer months living in his house.


Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis Macaulay Culkin: it's off of Heroin

Jakarta -stars ' Home Alone ' Macaulay Culkin reported dependence on heroin. The Mila Kunis former lover had claimed to be surprised.

Lucky lover Mila today, Ashton Kutcher, too similar-minded. While vacationing in Bali, some time ago, Ashton asked to call Mac and Mila helped him to get off of heroin.

"When Mila, he heard the sound of a Mac directly to cry. Mila begged Mac to take care of themselves in rehabilitation. He was desperate and trying to make Mac realized that not too late to get rid of, "said a source close to Showbizspy, reported by Thursday (16/8/2012).

However Dodge reportedly Mac. He confesses himself fine and denied his dependency on Heroin.

"Mila know Mac very devastated after they broke up. But Mila never knew his dependency on drugs is very severe, "pungkas source.


Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

HaHa Panggil Byul dengan Sebutan 'Yeobo'

Jakarta – The kid could apparently also Haroro romantic. Along with his wife, HaHa candidate got calls Byul romance as well as other couples.

HaHa and Byul calling each other ' yeobo '. ' Yeobo ' means ' honey ', the plural is used by calling the spouses in Korea.

"It's a little shy so Byul I familiarising it with ' calling ' first yeobo," said HaHa when reported by the press conference sessions-http AllKPop, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Though initially shy, long-accustomed also went by Byul apparently as it is. He was also called as the same HaHa.

"Naturally, Byul called me yeobo ' too. ' But instead of seriously, we use it with cutesy, "explains HaHa.


Inevitably A Long Courtship, HaHa & Byul Decide Early Married

Jakarta -HaHa and Byul ready married 30 November release. They've known each other for eight years. Because it is near, HaHa and Byul has decided to marry without lingering courting directly.

HaHa claimed had long wanted to get married. In several interviews he also claimed to have been married as soon as possible. HaHa want to have a happy family life and a more regular.

"To be honest, when I started the 30 year old, plus the influence of senior and my friends, I've decided to focus on forming a happy family. I'm thinking about marriage, to marry quickly, and have a stable a comfortable life, "said the press conference session HaHa offered-http AllKPop, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Since the beginning, seemed to already have feelings HaHa will marry Byul. He finally married and instead invites Byul dating.

"I want to get married as soon as possible and build a family. Already a long time ago I joked on ' you're going to end up Byul is his '. Because we are both single, I invite to marry instead of dating Byul, "he explained.

Known as a ballad singer Byul. He fills in some drama soundtrack such as ' I Think I Love You ' for drama series Rain and Song Hye Gyo ' Full House ' in 2004.


Gig Schedule, Solid Purple Fixed Mudik

Jakarta -the Band got a gig schedule that Purple solid during the month of Ramadan. Even up to the H-2 Lebaran, Pasha Cs still swamped with job. Gee, could go not ya?

As it turns out, though, they remain busy gig like myself to go. "Everything is go," said Pasha as found in event XL sensai mudik 1000 people in Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

"Endah to Manado, Rowman & Littlefield to Yogyakarta, Onci too. If I were to Bandung, not to Hammer because a parent's already here, "sambungnya detailing.

Pasha spoke, her very thankful with the sustenance which still flows in the month of Ramadan. However, hanging out with family in feast day had been so dead price for them.

"We just want to order despite Idul Fitri but still remain a gig. H-2 still work, create'll afterwards go and create a new thought of the Lebaran, "he explained.


Ini Dia Alasan HaHa 'Haroro' Jatuh Cinta pada Byul

Jakarta -Haroro ' Relationship ' with HaHa Byul unknown publicly until they finally announced plans for a wedding. What makes HaHa falls in love with Byul?

To HaHa, Byul is the figure of the woman who can make his life either more regularly. He was also amazed at the respect for parents Byul.

"He's got a lot of things that I have not. It's simple, innocent, cute, and sexy. She sing really well too. And most importantly, he is very good at her parents. She is a good daughter. I'm not too good on a parent but she is not. I think I'm pretty married woman of that sort, "said the press conference session HaHa offered-http AllKPop, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

HaHa true married are also aware of the decision that shocked many parties. He also got confused himself.

"After an article about the pernikahanku appeared, many of which suffered a shock mentally than gave me his congratulations. But I've been expecting it, I myself also initially confused, "said HaHa.


Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Children Could Not Believe Henry Yosodiningrat Selingkuhi Cannon Bellina

Jakarta -a short message Circulated among the media crew mention that famous lawyer Henry Yosodiningrat screwing with Bellina. However, the child could not believe her father confessed to Kartika did just that.

Not only was out screwing, in Henry's SMS it is also mentioned that the wife of Henry Cannon in his house melabrak Yoso. What's Kartika's response?

"Well, where there is a father too I see every day in the House," says Kartika Yosodiningrat.

It seems rather indiscriminate indeed, because the newspaper is usually impressed by the preaching of the Cannon to be stoic any about him.

In contrast to this time. Cannon also reportedly will hold a news conference regarding the issue in Cibubur, East Jakarta, Wednesday (15/8/2012) this afternoon.


A gig by the roadside, Psy Bikin Jammed Gangnam

Jakarta – again make a big commotion. Psy He held a concert in the Gangnam area of guerilla, Seoul make up jammed the streets.

Guerilla concert was a concert held on a spur of the moment in a public place. Psy choose certainly fits the Gangnam because title track album ' Gangnam Style ' its sixth season.

The concert was held successfully and populated mostly by fans so that the surrounding streets were choked up. Psy also thanked police who helped keep events smoothly.

"Psy-rilla performance in Gangnam are done safely. I'm sorry if any inconvenience due to the rain. making I am also grateful for all who came in support. Thanks to Gangnam police and firefighters, "wrote his personal me2day account passes the YSP reported by HTTP AllKPop, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Guerilla concert will be broadcast exclusively on SBS ' Inkigayo ' August 19 release.


Topless Photos Circulating Admits, Nikita Feel Can Lebaran Disaster

Jakarta -Nikita Mirzani admitted that her topless photo circulating on the internet is indeed the Central. Artists who decorated her many tattoos that reveal photo was taken was long.

"It's an old photo. Kok pas usually comes out, there's a Ramadan gini aja gue create disaster, "he said when contacted by telephone detikHOT, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

The movie stars ' Grandma ' it was tit for point out the photos were released by the parties do not like with his success now. "The same loads I'm envious," he added.

Nikita was reluctant to comment further about the pictures. For the moment, he chooses to brood alone.

"I dont want to comment a lot yes because this again seems ethical moments of Ramadaan is not discussing things like that," kilahnya.


Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

' Red ' Album Love Emotion, & Taylor Swift

Jakarta -since the release of the self-titled album in 2006, Taylor Swift is best known as a country pop singer who shines. Now he returns gave birth to new works that contain love and emotions.

When live chat with fans via YouTube, he made a surprise to his fans. Swift wanted to be the first fans who know the news.

"I'll have a new album coming out on October 22, and I want to tell you guys about that," while adding that the album will be given the title ' Red '.

When asked about the meaning of the album title, the title it says Swift is taken from one of the songs that describe her feelings while writing that song. "I wrote a song titled ' Red ' and think about the meaning of that song for me," he said.

"All the different feelings from this album is mostly about insanity, intensity, and draw relationships that spring-poisonous I've experienced over the last two years, and all the emotions that intense love of darang, frustration, confusion, jealousy and all that is in my mind, all the emotion that's red," he explained.

Talking about the composition of the songs in the album, Swift said there are 15 other songs. ' We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ' is a song dedicated to country singer and former lover.

The song will be the first single and was released via iTunes. There will be also a duet with musician Ed Sheeran in the United Kingdom the song they wrote together.

To promote the album, Swift is planning to visit several countries. He also plans to roll out a tour around the world.

Talking about his musical works, 22-year-old singer's Queens highly successful commercial from the side. He has sold over 20 million albums and 50 million downloads worldwide, 17.8 million albums and 18.4 million downloads in the United States.


Required 1.5 years imprisonment, Saipul Jamil Cry

Jakarta – the trial of the case of an accident that killed his wife, Virginia already Saipul Jamil entered the stage reading of the charges. Saipul pun sued prison sentence 1 year 6 months by Purwakarta District Court.

Responding to demands it, Saipul looks surprised. He was also asked to comment directly about crying so demands.

"Can not comment," he said while tersedu-sedu when contacted by telephone detikHOT, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

Previously, chanter ' don't tell me ' it had asked Justice over the case to the Constitutional Court. The action was supported by about 10 lawyers.

"I just happen to be a victim, I am still longevity," said Saipul some time ago.


' Hammer Girl ', a new character in the sequel to ' The Raid '?

Jakarta – before execution of the ' The Raid ' Gareth story for the film have been prepared which will now be made as a sequel to ' The Raid ', entitled ' Hoodlums '. Choreography and the professional fighter's art has also been prepared. Well, there will be a new character reportedly.

Via her Twitter account, Director Gareth Evans published the characters ' Hammer Girl ' which will appear in the ' Hoodlums '. However, he did not give details about the character description in addition to the picture.

"For those asking the concept design for the" Hammer Girl "isn't for an anime segment-its all live action," wrote Director of Wales.

Producer of Ario Sagantoro some time ago said her production team, and quite depressed by expectations of the audience for the sequel to ' The Raid '. But on the other hand, it also spurred everyone involved in the sequel to ' The Raid ' to make better films.

Gareth Evans have also been revealed a little picture of ' Hoodlums '. "For The sequel I want to display Raid car chases. So we have the fight scene is cool where you get into the car, fighting against the four men, as it was speeding along the way, "he explained.

Prior to the execution of the ' The Raid ', Gareth was already preparing a story for the sequel. Choreography and the professional fighter's art has also been prepared.

Gareth confessed prepare funds approximately US $ 3 million or about $ 10.4 billion for the film. ' Hoodlums ' planned to start production in early 2013.


Cannon Bellina Rumored So Selingkuhan Henry Yosodiningrat

Jakarta -Newspaper unsightly back upon senior artist, Cannon Bellina. Is it true that he has recently dilabrak famous lawyer Henry Yosodiningrat wife because her husband had had a relationship with special Mer?

These initially circulated newspaper of a short message is received the media crew. The message also said Henry had many months staying at Yoso House Mer.

Of course the news makes the heat gun. In fact, he will roll out his plans a news conference to respond to the news.

It seems rather indiscriminate indeed, because the newspaper is usually impressed by the preaching of the Mer Justin any about him. In contrast to this time.

The plan will hold a press conference the Mer in Cibubur, East Jakarta, Wednesday (15/8/2012). While the party has denied emphatically that Henry Yoso news.

"MOM dont like it (melabrak), father of the every day there as well at home," stated the daughter, Kartika to detikHOT Yosodiningrat.

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Kim Soo Hyun bets, Will Kiss and Carry 30 Lucky Fans

Jakarta -whose name it certainly should bet any kind of living. Kim Soo Hyun bet will kiss and embrace fans. Wah!

Bet that's true if his latest film ' The Thieves ' ten million viewers through the numbers. Attendance to one million will be allowed to choose between kiss or carry (piggy back ride).

Reported by-HTTP AllKPop, Wednesday (15/8/2012) until yesterday the number of spectators who watched the movie reached 9.75 million. Stay a little longer towards the figure of ten million.

To prove it, fans who've been watching could upload a proof of their tickets to the official Facebook account of ' The Thieves '. This is done so that the number of spectators was vague.

Later, to 30 lucky fans will be invited to special events. The event will be held August 18.


Miller Wanted To Be A Citizen Of Indonesia

Jakarta -artist claims to have Malaysia Miller Khan hopes to be a citizen of Indonesia. Miller also wants to embody the hope that soon.

"Oh, not yet ... as soon as possible (so a citizen of Indonesia)," said Miller after filling the show music ' Terrible ' at RCTI Studio, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

The man who was rumored to never close with artists that speak, Arumi Bachsin himself already ' fell in love ' with Indonesia. Moreover, Miller referred to Indonesia as a barn his earnings.

Not only the barn penghasilnnya, Indonesia also made Miller famous at Malaysia. In fact, he was suspected as a artist Indonesia.

"Because I've nyatu here, udah lama also here looking for sustenance as well here as well the term search fate here. Udah nyatu aja, "she said.

"They think that I'm an Indonesia, artis Indonesia. I'm an artist in Malaysia so here, so they think I'm the local people, "he added.


Fokus Kerja, Miller Yakin Pacar Datang Sendiri

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Jakarta - Artis asal Malaysia Miller sepertinya sedang menikmati kariernya di jagad hiburan Indonesia. Bahkan, demi fokus di dunia hiburan Miller rela memikirkan hubungan asmaranya.

Miller yakin, masalah jodoh pasti akan ada waktunya. Ia pun seolah masih ingin menikmati kesendiriannya.

"Fokus kerjaan dululah, pacar gampang datang sendiri," ujarnya usai mengisi acara musik 'DahSyat' di Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Rabu (15/8/2012).

Sempat beredar kabar, Miller menjalin asmara dengan lawan mainnya di film 'Cinta Suci Zahrana' Meyda Sefira. Namun, ia buru-buru membantah kabar tersebut.

"Cinlok-cinlok itu nggak ada," tandasnya.


Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

The official Breakup, Kristen Stewart was grateful No Dijelek – bad mouth the Robert Pattinson

Jakarta -Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson finally could not maintain their relationship. Despite breaking up after the scandal came to light, were grateful he was not Christian dijelek-bad mouth Robert in public.

After coming out of hiding and attend the premiere ' Cosmopolis ', Robert appeared on the talk show the Daily Television Show. In addition to the matter of the film, Robert interviewee also mentioned about a relationship after infidelity scandal romance Kristen Stewart.

In the interview, Robert claimed to feel awkward if you have to answer a question like that. With a bit of joking, he said that he had to hire the services of publisis to deal with those situations.

Just like his role as Edward Cullen in the ' Twilight Saga ', Robert there's not much talk is too detailed. She just answered the questions addressed to him personally with a bit of humor.

"Just as the fans, see also Christian Robert interview with Jon Stewart with a sigh," the source said as reported by Radar Online, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

"But after seeing it denied such questions, so it's a bit of relief and Christian began to feel guilty," added the source.

Christian prayer, after the issue is he can be a second chance. However, this seems like it's been covered. However, the star of ' Snow White and the Huntsman ' that believe they can work as a friend.


Psy & HyunA Rilis Video 'Oppa is Just My Style'

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Jakarta - Versi HyunA dari 'Gangnam Style' akhirnya dirilis semalam. Kali ini Psy menyanyi berduet dengan personel 4Minute HyunA dengan judul 'Oppa is Just My Style'.

Jika video klip 'Gangnam Style' sangat ramai, berwarna-warni dan didukung banyak artis, di 'Oppa is Just My Style' hanya HyunA dan Psy menari berdua di sebuah studio.Lagu 'Oppa, You're My Style' adalah lagu 'Gangnam Style' dari perspektif perempuan.

Meski demikian, Psy masih tetap kocak. Sementara HyunA menyanyi dengan suara yang dibuat sangat imut untuk menyesuaikan dengan lagu. Berbeda dengan suara HyunA biasanya.

Video klip itu kabarnya syutingnya bersamaan dengan 'Gangnam Style'. Video itu dirilis lewat saluran YouTube resmi Psy officialpsy.

Saat ini video itu sudah ditonton sebanyak lebih dari 730 ribu kali. Komentar yang masuk sudah mencapai 14 ribu.


Post-war Wreck, T-ara Soyeon ' ' Back Shooting Drama

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Lagi, Beredar Foto Nikita Mirzani Topless

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Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Kristen Stewart was expelled from ' Snow White 2 ' snow white Character, will be eliminated?

Jakarta -Universal Pictures decided no longer involves Kristen Stewart in the sequel to ' Snow White and the Huntsman '. Then, will the character snow white who played Christian eliminated?

The plan, a sequel to ' Snow White and the Huntsman ' would indeed be slightly modified. With no presence of Christianity, it will focus more on the characters portrayed Chris Hemsworth.

But, what does the film snow white without any characters in it? The story has changed also made his first film, screenwriter David Koepp comes out of the film.

While Director Rupert Sanders is rumored to still have a chance to return to direct the film. The problem, it may be a matter of permissions of the wife, Liberty Ross.

Liberty whose hearts are hurt because the husband was having an affair with Christian ban Rupert to return to direct the movie. According to sources, it is an absolute requirement if it wanted to save their marriage. Rupert

How continuation sequel ' Snow White and the Huntsman '? We just wait.


'Kill The DJ', Single Terbaru dari Album Trilogi Green Day

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Hyorin Personel SISTAR dengan Penghasilan Terbesar

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Jakarta - Meski menjadi personel grup yang sama, selalu ada satu orang yang punya penghasilan lebih besar. Siapa yang berpenghasilan terbesar di SISTAR?

Ternyata Hyorin. SISTAR memang membagi rata semua penghasilan dari album, iklan, dan variety show. Kecuali, jika tampil di drama.

"Memang benar penghasilanku lebih besar dibanding personel lain setelah aku tampil di drama. Aku juga yakin Dasom akan jadi yang kedua setelah ia tampil di sebuah sitkom," ujar Hyorin dalam MBC 'All the KPop' dilansir AllKPop, Rabu (15/8/2012).

Hyorin tampil di 'Dream High 2' sebagai Nana. Sementara Dasom mulai menapaki dunia akting lewat 'Shut Up Family'. Dengan demikian, hanya Bora dan Soyu yang belum tampil di drama.

"Aku pikir mengapa kami harus membagi penampilan di variety show," keluh Bora sambil bercanda.


Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Attended a party, Lindsay Lohan Needless Will.i.am Wear Pants

Los Angeles -Actress Lindsay Lohan straight into the limelight when his legs in one set nightclub famous in Hollywood, The Avalon. Lindsay was present there to enliven the party Will.i.am.

Star of movie ' Machete ' that comes with wearing tops ala cowgirl colored. That night, seemed to deliberately flaunt the beauty Lindsay legs by not wearing pants.

With a polished lip lipstick pink, Lindsay was looking very confident while posing in front of the camera.

The Party held to celebrate her Will.i.am just finished it last a very festive. In addition, the party also Lindsay attended by Nicole Scherzinger, AnnaLynne McCord and Meagan Good.

While other news, Lindsay recently completed his latest film, ' Liz & Dick '. In the film, he portrayed the biography of the artist on the legendary Elizabeth Taylor.


Kim Jae Dong Will Burn HaHa Wedding Invitations?

Jakarta -News wedding plans with Byul indeed impressed HaHa suddenly. Comedian and MC Kim Jae Dong was unable to hide the sense of jealously.

Jae Dong was 5 years older than HaHa. However it seems he has not up to now had no plans to marry. Didului HaHa, Jae Dong would envy.

"I'll take all the wedding invitations and I'd gotten going to heat this winter in ruanganku by burning it. HaHa, I just act via SMS. As a senior, I'm not too good with want to save juniorku wedding invitations. I give you congratulations, I think the order is based on height to marry, "said Jae Dong via his personal Twitter account offered-http AllKPop, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Jae Dong and HaHa indeed known as the celebrities are short stature. But HaHa still higher than Jaedong. HaHa any reply to a Tweet joked that Dong Jae.

"Let's suppose I married first because I am taller! Hyung, I love you!, "reply HaHa.


' Ciliwung ' start Brandal Brandal Played in theaters Today

Jakarta -ahead of the feast of Eid al-Fitr, cinemas motherland began flooded Indonesia films. One of them, the children's film ' Brandal Brandal Ciliwung ' released Prime today, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

The movie was adapted from the classic novel by Achmad s. Film showing the story of the friendship of five children who live on the edge of time to the area.

Five companions, Jaka, Umar, King, East, Tirto come from different areas, but they are always together and named themselves as Forces to the area. Jaka cs also had to deal with a gang of rich kids who always insulted them.

' Ciliwung ' starring Brandal Brandal Endy Arfian, Gritte Agatha, Ira Wibowo, Lukman Sardi and Olga Lydia. The Film was directed by Thunder Soeharjanto who previously did the series ' Laskar Pelangi '.

Curious with action for children to the area? Watch Your favorite movies on.


Admit Could Miss Cheated, Annisa Bahar Also Wanted Her Husband Arrested Thessa Kaunang

Jakarta -Annisa Bahar reported PT Star Indonesia where husband CSM Thessa Kaunang is komisarisnya. In addition, any hope of Sandy Annisa named Sandy counterparts also arrested. Cici

The name Cici sticking out from the recognition of Shandy. He confesses that he is in fact to Annisa dunno menahu fraud problem.

"I Think it works out until police have so far not found it that Cici notabenenya now he's escaped from Indonesia," says Annisa when found in Kuningan, Jakarta, Monday (14/8/2012).

Annisa with his colleagues claimed to hit a more than Rp 25 billion. They were originally promised to invest. However, they are slowly getting anything from these investments.

"I want to show if it can face the offender because police could not arrest such criminals, not least through the media could find or reported to us or the police so rich," harapnya.


Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Taylor Swift, writing songs because So victims of Bullying

Jakarta -A ledekan his friends in school materials shoved Taylor Swift being more creative. He filters out her feelings and pouring through song or novel 350 pages. From there, travel music career begins Swift.

Born December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania, Swift began to show his art talent when winning a national poetry contest with a three-page long poem entitled "Monster in My Closet". When he was in fourth grade.

At the age of ten he studied the guitar, instruments and writing songs during his "Lucky You". Two years later, he used the entire summer vacation time to write a novel along 350 pages never being published.

Swift was a victim of bullying, and he spends his spare time to write songs to express his feelings. Along with his ability to play guitar and sing the rise, Swift began performing in karaoke contests and local festivals.

His first major appearance was a performance that received both in Bloomsburg Fair. In 2006, he released his debut single "Tim McGraw", followed by her debut album which was certified multi-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America.

In November 2008, Swift released their second album, Fearless, which led him to reach for four Grammy Awards, including Album of the year at the 52nd Grammy Awards. Fearless and Taylor Swift in a row to close in 2008 in the order of the third and sixth, with sales figures as much as 2.1 and 1.5 million copies.

Fearless topped the Billboard 200 for eleven consecutive weeks. Swift was named as the best artist of the year by Billboard magazine in 2009.

The greatest influence in the field of music is Swift, Shania Twain. Other people who also give him influence is LeAnn Rimes, Tina Turner, Dolly Parton, Adelwin, and his own. Although her grandmother was a professional opera singer, Swift was always more musical tastes skew to the country.

Swift released his third album Speak Now on 25 October 2010, which sold 1.047.000 copies in its first week. In 2008, the entire album sold four million copies, making it the best-selling musicians in that year in the United States according to Nielsen SoundScan.

In March 2011, he has managed to sell more than 20 million albums and 34.3 million singles worldwide. Blonde singer was listed in the Guinness Book Of World Records as the Fastest Selling Digital 2012 Album by a Female Artist for her album Speak Now, and Most Simultaneous U.S. Hot 100 Hits by a Female Artist.
