Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Aida Saskia hope to Partner on next year's Idul Fitri

Jakarta -there is one prayer that dipanjatkan Aida Saskia on the feast of Eid al-Fitr this year. Aida is hoping next year's Idul fitri may their path with different status.

"Easy-very next year dapet his soul mate," ujaranya when found in his residence, Bogor, West Java, Saturday (20/8/2012) night.

Aida confesses that her parents had been bored to ask when he will take off his kesendiriannya. Even if later Aida was 29 has not had her heart will tether chosen mate by her father.

"But I dont want emangnya times Siti Nurbaya," he explained while smiling.

No Aida, now himself denied the middle was approached by several men. However there has not been a single one who feels fit.


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