Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Mayangsari & Bambang Tri Guard Tradition Mudik

Jakarta -Bambang Trihatmodjo Mayangsari Couples and also take advantage of a moment of the feast of Eid al-Fitr also to gather with family. Just like previous years, both of them celebrate victory day in hometown Mayang in Purwokerto, Central Java.

"Mother (Mayang) as Mr. lebaran in Purwokerto. Definitely go, now go home yet, "said one of the security at the home of magnificent Mayang, Jakarta, Monday (21/12/2012).

And it seems indeed Mayangsari Bambang always keep the tradition go. Mayang is also known for always take for granted back home to their homes ahead of the feast of Eid al-Fitr.

"At her daughter as well, berangkatnya before the takbiran," he added.

DetikHOT, home monitoring Mayang is located in the Simprug it does look deserted. Mayang and Bambang not long ago is also rolling out feature the ' BM prenatal Home '.


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