Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Raul Lemos Inevitably Take Giddy About The Problem Of KD & Anang

Jakarta -the Lemos claimed Raul inevitably too damn commercial issues and Anang Krisdayanti. He feels currently has been very happy with her marriage and the presence of:.

When encountered by telephone detikHOT, Tuesday at his residence (13/8/2012) night, Raul looks very relaxed. At that time, he was also responding to problems between his wife and Sam who is now central to talks in the community. warm

"I couldn't help it, my problem mikirin believe KD or Anang could finish it well," he added.

For the most important currently Raul is the happiness of his family. He was also increasingly unhappy because the Middle containing the child both KD.

"I'm happy now, had a wife, the House, and now want to have: more children," said the man from East Timor.


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