Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Rumored Selingkuhi Bellina, Henry Yosodiningrat Cannon Laugh

Jakarta -Henry Yosodiningrat rumored affair with senior artist Bellina Cannon. Hearing the news, Attorney parlente was just laughing.

It is revealed, the son of Adhit Yosodiningrat to detikHOT, Tuesday (17/6/2012). According to him, the news is a lie.

"He laughed just say so, let alone the mau engineered?" said Adhit which also serves as a lawyer.

Shocking news about romance scandal initially circulated Cannon Henry and via a short message to the crew of the media. In the message, the sender indicated that Cannon was also wife of Henry dilabrak.

"A lie really well at home, etc. nyokap die dont gimana gimana-. Which wife? There-there's only. It's not clear whom nyebarin, "he said.


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