Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Topless Photos Circulating Admits, Nikita Feel Can Lebaran Disaster

Jakarta -Nikita Mirzani admitted that her topless photo circulating on the internet is indeed the Central. Artists who decorated her many tattoos that reveal photo was taken was long.

"It's an old photo. Kok pas usually comes out, there's a Ramadan gini aja gue create disaster, "he said when contacted by telephone detikHOT, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

The movie stars ' Grandma ' it was tit for point out the photos were released by the parties do not like with his success now. "The same loads I'm envious," he added.

Nikita was reluctant to comment further about the pictures. For the moment, he chooses to brood alone.

"I dont want to comment a lot yes because this again seems ethical moments of Ramadaan is not discussing things like that," kilahnya.


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