Senin, 03 September 2012

Infidelity News Henry Yoso & Cannon Bellina Cheap Sensation

Jakarta -Henry Yosodiningrat rumored infidelity with Bellina. However, the child, judging it Adhit Yosodiningrat just sheer sensation.

"I just say it's just a sensation of Kartika cheesy enough," says Adhit Yosodiningrat to detikHOT, Tuesday (17/6/2012).

The news spread through the short message is received the media crew. In the message, even called the wife of Henry Cannon dilabrak Yoso.

Adhit pun claimed had no idea who's spreading the message. He also confused why get to like it.

"It's not clear whom nyebarin, we also dont know. Why Bingunglah can be so, "he admits.


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