Senin, 03 September 2012

Rumored Infidelity, Henry Yosodiningrat Claims To Be Vilified

Jakarta -Artist Name Cannon Bellina suddenly appeared to be a thorn in the marriage lawyer Henry Yosodiningrat. Henry was upset to hear the news.

Her newspaper were with Cannons is slander. He also questioned why until it could appear slanted news.

"Crazy, news that paslu! Where are the women that was fabricated for people claiming to be my wife, "he said when contacted, Wednesday (15/8/2012) night.

Henry even claimed that during the month of Ramadan himself never leaving his family. He claims to always perform fasting together his family.

"During the month of fasting, I am eating Suhoor and Iftar with the family at home. I dont ever go along with everyone else in the House of someone other than at home with my wife and my children, "she said.


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