Jumat, 14 September 2012

Tya Ariestya Greet Idul Fitri, The Uniform Design

Jakarta -to welcome the feast of Eid al-Fitr, there is usually a special activity in each family who celebrate. So is carried out by large family Tya Ariestya.

He says, he has been preparing the uniform dress worn during victory day arrived.

"We already create uniform shirts for this year. This is the first new family I had previously not been, "he told detikHOT.

Dress uniform designed by Tya is indigenous Batak and national dress. Color given in the busananya it is the blue color interspersed with gold.

"It's another one with pink, ijo" he insists.

For this year, the girl who has a full name Ariestya chose berlebaran Noormita Azhar in Jakarta.


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