Selasa, 11 September 2012

KD Dreamed Could Have Private Aurel & Lebaran Azriel

Jakarta -All parents would want to celebrate Idul fitri with her children. It was the Middle dimimpikan by Krisdayanti. He was particularly looking forward to hanging out with two children, Aurel and Azriel.

"As parents hope to be berlebaran same Aurel and Azriel," said Raul's wife when it encountered on Friday at his home in the Kaffir lime, West Jakarta, Saturday (18/8/2012).

Unfortunately, so far has not been able to ascertain whether KD he will get to meet Aurel and Azriel. Chanter song ' love you ' was only able to let go.

"We are waiting for the time when indeed not know it yet," he added.

More recently, indeed a little trouble to see KD Childs. In the month of Ramandan, they've met once.


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